Thursday, May 17, 2012

An Old Lion

I had a friend that I met in a political forum on the internet. Not the usual kind of friend that you meet face to face, but one kinda like the 'Pen Pals' of the olden times when I was young(er). Anyway, Pegwin, a derivation of his real name, and I became friends and kept up sporadic, occasional email contact.

Another friend I met on the same forum, 45ACP, whom I've also kept in contact with, sent me something about Phil (Pegwin) that he saw on Facebook. Knowing that I don't do Facebook, 45 was kind enough to forward it to me.

Phil was a retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant. Highly held in respect by his brothers in arms as well as any who were fortunate to meet him. Either his son or his daughter, both Marine Corps Officers, posted the following to Facebook.

"In the VA Hospital. In the company of the Old Lions. My dads time has arrived. Any hour now he will move to the drums one last time."

The final posting to Phil's Facebook page, fittingly, was only the one word, "Taps".

Saturday, February 18, 2012


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Monday, February 6, 2012


I, for one, consider it to be arrogant to the extreme to even contemplate me telling another person what they can or can not do to their own bodies.

At conception, the zygote is nothing but a parasite that feeds from the host. It should be up to only the host as to what course of action should be taken.

If I were asked to go beyond that and give a specific answer as to whether a woman should have an abortion or not, I would tell them that the woman, the father, the immediate family, the doctor and, if so inclined, a minister should all be consulted. But it shouldn't stop there. The woman should also read all the literature, both pro and con, and then she/they should make their own decision.

For me, not being one of those mentioned above, it's none of my business. It's also none of the business of anybody else who is not in the group above.

Abortion should be legal, available to those who want it, but not mandatory. It should never not be an option.

I believe that the government's nose should be severely restricted as to where it can stick it. I believe even more so that individual groups and people's noses should be restricted as well. If they insist on sticking their noses in to other people's business, the noses should be cut off.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Don't get me wrong, I love football. I wish football season lasted all year long. But what is it with all the tattoos the players are wearing. It started several years ago; I think back when Dennis Rodman was making such a fool of himself and started looking like a mutant peacock. Anyway, the pro football players started getting all kinds of tattoos. It started with the barbwire looking tats on their biceps. That graduated to oriental style markings and then almost completely covering their arms.

Then we started seeing tats on college players. Looking to emulate their pro football heroes? Maybe. More than likely thinking their tats will make them look tough and manly to the rest of their team.

Now we're seeing tats on high school players. All I can say is -- Stupid Parents!

Don't any of these HS and college players realize that they all won't make it in the pros? Don't they realize that the tats may keep them from getting a really good job or promotion because their appearance reflects on the image of the company?

And the women. Girls are getting a tattoo in the small of their back. Did you ever wonder why they call that a "Tramp Stamp"?

Living on the coast in a small village that gets most of its income from commercial fishing, I see a lot of older women, retired and such, who have tattoos. Just a few are "Prison Tats", you know, individual letters on the fingers spelling out "Hell" or some other four or five letter word. The rest are tattoos on arms, breasts, necks and legs.

Hello!!! Ever see sagging paint. As these women get older, er... make that OLD!, they sag. Period. When the skin gets loose and sags, any tattoo sags too. Even the 'Picturesque' ones.

I'm beginning to think there should be proficiency testing prior to granting a license to have children. We've got an over abundance of stupid people walking around.