Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quotes From 2011

Every year, at the beginning of the year, I send out 'quotable quotes' that I've either heard or read during the previous year. These are the quotes from 2011. You may have heard some of them but, I'm sure, not all of them. Hope you enjoy.
"You cannot get the water to clear up until you get the pigs out of the creek." - Forwarded by Dr. J. Hitron
"If we outlaw crossbows in our public schools, who's going to protect our children from charging elk?" - Ted Nugent on "The Simpsons"
"Thomas Jefferson believed the failure to include term limits in the Constitution was a fatal error. He predicted another bloody revolution would be necessary to regain the individual rights lost to the power-loving politicians who would, over time, increase their power at the cost of our liberty. Jefferson could not have foreseen that the federal government would today be capable of tracking our every move and communication. Neither could he foresee the unimaginable instruments of destruction that this government, and the interest groups that control it, would willingly use to maintain power." - Professor T.J. Stewart, Economics History, Tufts University.
"In the history of mankind, this is the only nation to be founded on the supremacy of the individual over government—his right to own himself and make of his life what he wanted. Not what the tribe, the chief, the king or even the United States government wanted of him. And not what society wanted of him, but what he wanted of himself. That has been turned on its head. Now as individuals we live in fear of society, because it’s controlled by Congress. In the political fight to gain and keep the enormous power of Congress, the contenders of both parties have divided you into constituent groups. They promise to take the money or property of one group and give it to the other; or force the values of one onto the other. In such a system you own nothing they cannot take in the name of society for the greater good.” - Marcus Ray
"What is love? 'Love’ is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” - Jubal Harshaw, LL.B, M.D., Sc.D.
"Good intentions will be pleaded for every assumption of authority. The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." - Daniel Webster
"Life is not a rehearsal. It's the real and final deal. The cost of living may be high but it sure beats the alternative." - Lt. Col. E. J. Rickabee, USMC
“There’s two kinds of people in the world, son, those who wish and those who will. The wishers wish to be rich, they wish to be famous, they wish to own a farm or a fine house or whatever. The ones who will, they don’t wish, they start out and do it. They become what they want to be or get what they want. They will it.” - Orrin Sackett, "Lonely on the Mountain" - Louis L'Amour
"The true test of somebody else’s intelligence is how closely he agrees with you." - W.E.B. Griffin
"Having a share of that streak of anarchy, which is the birthright of every American, is the foundation of a sound attitude to tweak the noses of those who put themselves above the citizenry. Just having it, and recognizing it, will fill you with a sharper zest than you have ever felt before." - Jubal E. Harshaw, LL.B, M.D., Sc.D.
"Celibacy is the most unusual of all the perversions.” - Oscar Wilde
"Right up there with monogamy" - CAH
"Monogamy is a perversion. A man should be able to have as many wives as he can provide for as long as he provides for their mothers and any children too." - CAH
"A desire not to butt into other people’s business is eighty percent of all human wisdom. But that said, never be afraid to express your opinion. Certain feet were made for stepping on, in order to improve the breed, promote the general welfare, and minimize the ancient insolence of office." - Jubal Harshaw, LL.B, M.D., Sc.D.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C. S. Lewis
"Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy . . . censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression." - Robert A. Heinlein
T'other day, a local preacher stopped by where a group of us have coffee and started extolling the benefits of attending his church. Well, we sat there a bit listening to him until finally I told him to stop, that we all had our own beliefs and didn't care to join his church.
Son, you should'a seen him get all purple in the face and blow up full of air getting ready to explode, it looked like. His whole body was shaking as he pointed his finger at me and said, "I rebuke you! You will spend Eternity in Hell."
Well, I just told him, "Preacher, I've been headed to Hell a couple of times already. The first time Ol' Satan came and picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and started off to his house. I started kickin' and screamin' and fightin' and cussin' so much that he put me down to get a better grip. Well, sir, I up and kicked him in the nuts and spit in his eye.
Satan looked at me and said, "You! You're too much trouble. Get thee away from me!" Well I took him at his word and got.
A few years later, things happened and I found myself on that boat, crossing the River Styx. Mr. Satan was a-lookin' out, I guess, and saw me on the boat. He sounded General Quarters, ran up the Repell Boarders flag and started throwing fireballs and lighting bolts at us.
Ol' Charon, the guy who was rowing the boat, was just a duckin' and a-weavin' trying not to get hit by them bolts and balls. I just reached up and caught them and threw them back at that dirty ol' man while he was a shakin' his fist at us and telling us to never come back."
That preacher man looked at me and when I looked him in the eye and said, "True story. Do I need to tell you again to git?", why he got all wide-eyed and sputterin' with spittle flying from his mouth, turned about three shades of white, spun around and left, walkin' real quick like, like a fat ole possum, wipin' his forehead with his kerchief.
The rest of us just went back to drinkin' our coffee and discussing the ills of the world - CAH
"You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. It doesn’t have to be a prejudice about an important matter either." - Zebadiah Jones
By Captain Thorpe, Kentucky, C.S.A.
Unclaimed by the land that bore us,
   Lost in the land, we find
The brave have gone before us;
   Cowards are left behind.
Then stand to your glasses, steady;
   Here's a health to those we prize.
Here's a toast to the dead already,
   And here's to the next who dies.
“It has been my experience, that if you don’t know what to think, it is best to think some more, and if you don’t know what to say, it is best to say nothing.” - Wilhelm F. Canaris, General-Admiral of the Abwehr (the German military intelligence service) and played an imminent role in Operation Valkyrie - the plot to kill Hitler.
"No, I wouldnt want to be President. We've had enough boobs in the White House." - Dolly Parton
"Sex is the one subject everybody lies about. Unless you are a politician. Then it's sex and everything else." - CAH
“The only difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” Albert Einstein
A fuel and his money are soon parted..." - A local boat owner
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves…freely, his sly whispers…heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” Cicero
It is the way of fools to destroy that which could save them. That which they do not understand. The well of learning is one that never ceases to flow and we have only to drink of its waters. And in learning, a door is opened . . . a door that can never again be closed.  - Tatton Chantry
An Irishman, captive of the French, was asked to describe the home he was driven from by the English. Would that I could speak, or write, such. At the least, I can recognize and picture such beauty in my mind.
He said, “It is a green place, sire, green among a chaos of granite, bold hills and great boulders leaning, moss growing at their feet. The forests that once covered Ireland are gone, but the land holds a memory of them, as all the rocks there have a memory of the sea that once washed upon them and hollowed and polished. The walls of my home were gray granite, and the beams and panels of oak. There was little furniture but what there was, was also of oak. And at the door a stream ran past, swiftly it ran, hurrying down the steep rocks to fall over a cliff and into the sea. There is a cove there, almost landlocked, where a man can have a boat. And there is the sea beyond, with fish awaiting. And the sound of the sea snarling and growling among the worn rocks. Sheep graze there, and there is a garden sometimes, and paths by which to walk the hills in the morning mist or evening shadow. There are far moors to gallop over on our fine Irish horses or the wild ponies of the moors. It is a place to live and love in, sire, and I would go back there and abide, nor ever come away again.” - L'Amour, Louis (2005-03-29). "Fair Blows the Wind" Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
"In the VA Hospital. In the company of the Old Lions. His time has arrived. Any hour now he will move to the drums one last time as we hear the mournful notes of 'Taps'." A son speaks of his veteran father.
Time marches on. Eventually it marches right across your face. - Megyn Kelly, Fox News
"New Yorkers like to boast that if you can survive in New York, you can survive anywhere. But if you can survive anywhere, why live in New York?" - Edward Abbey, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
“I repeat the words of the signers of the Declaration of Independence— that little band of patriots, fighting long ago against overwhelming odds, but certain, as we are, of ultimate victory: ‘With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’” - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, early 1941, in an address to the nation from the White House. It was a proclamation that an unlimited national emergency existed, and required the strengthening of our defenses to the extreme limit of our national power and authority. America had not yet entered the war.
"Democracy satisfies best the human thirst for freedom; yet, being undisciplined, turbulent, and luxury-seeking, it falls time and again to austere single-minded despotism." - Thucydides
"If you win, say nothing. If you lose, say less." - Paul Brown
"Instead of waiting for someone to give you a job, get out and do what you love. Our education system system teaches our children to sit at a desk, in rows, for 12 years and then gives them a promotion at the end of each year if they have followed directions. They are not taught TO DO anymore." - A Commentator on Fox News
Our Constitution gives power to the people over the individual states and ultimately the government. Not the other way around. The bigger the government, the more the probability of a hatred of the masses will grow. The leaders must beware the reactions of the people. So, as Lucius Addius once said, "let them hate, so long as they fear".
“The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln
“Weapons compound man’s power to achieve; they amplify the capabilities of both the good man and the bad, and to exactly the same degree, having no will of their own. Thus we must regard them as servants, not masters— and good servants to good men. Without them, man is diminished, and his opportunities to fulfill his destiny are lessened. An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.” —Col. Jeff Cooper
“A pistol defends your property and your person from unanticipated and barely anticipated threats from thieves and robbers. With it, you can control your immediate environment. A rifle defends your freedom from oppressors and tyrants. With it, you can enforce your will.” - Gabe Suarez
“One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them.” - Thomas Sowell
“The government turns every contingency into an excuse for enhancing power in itself.” - John Adams
“To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mind-set to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent
“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution; for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” —Daniel Webster
Simo Häyhä was quoted as saying, ‘When you are shooting at wild game, never shoot from two hundred meters when you can shoot from twenty meters. But when you are in combat, never shoot from one hundred meters when you can shoot from three hundred meters. You’ll live longer.”
"We are being inundated with the term "Fiscal Cliff". There are a few who believe it will blow over, but it won't. At best it will be postponed for a short period. The 'Critters' in Washington, on both sides, brag that they are "beating the deficit" but know that they are only fooling you by moving increasingly large portions of federal funding "off budget". They tout the "Cuts" they are making but they are only cutting back on what FUTURE spending they want to do. Those cuts won't even pay for the interest that is accumulating on what we've borrowed to spend on growing the government to this point. They have no concept of "Zero Budgeting". The doctrine of starting out with what your debts currently are, casting idealism to the side and cutting to the bare-bones what you logically can, and then finding the revenue to fund what's left is foreign to them. If that is not done, we WILL go over the cliff and it is a long way to the bottom. Any money you have will be worthless so the only thing to do is get out of dollars and into canned goods right away." - James Wesley Rawles
Gaily bedight,
  A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
  Had journeyed long,
  Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.
 But he grew old-
  This knight so bold-
And o’er his heart a shadow
  Fell as he found
  No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado
And, as his strength
  Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
  ”Shadow,” said he
  ”Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?”
    "Over the Mountains
    Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
    Ride, boldly ride,"
    The shade replied-
"If you seek for Eldorado!"
- Edgar Allan Poe, first published in the April 21, 1849 issue of The Flag of Our Union. Recited by James Caan in the John Wayne movie "Eldorado".
Robert A. Heinlein once wrote, ‘An honest politician is one that stays bought.’ Unfortunately, there are no such critters in Washington. - CAH